V marci prišla na našu fakultu vzácna návšteva, stážistka Johana z Mexika. Opísala nám svoje pocity a zároveň chcela povzbudiť každého, nech využije možnosť SCORE stáží, či úlohu kontaktnej osoby.
„My experience during the exchange was the best that I could ever have! In both labs I learned so much about data analysis and all the doctors and people in charge were super nice with me, they were always in all the disposition of teaching me. Tamara, my contact person, was always super nice and helpful with everything that I needed! She showed me the city so well and she even took me to a hike that made me love the city even more!! The labs were amazing! With great equipment and the doctor always there showing me how to work there. I’m so happy and grateful for all this time in Martin, for all the people that I meet and all the knowledge that I got during the exchange.“❤️